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长江网10月22日讯 在阳光明媚的周末,军运会开幕式刚结束的第二天,沌口万达网点迎来了来自各个国家的友人到网点来办理业务。刚开门不久,我和同事就热情地接待了两位佩戴工作牌的外国运动员来兑换人民币。我们非常熟练的指导客户在我们的外币兑换一体机上快速办理,就两分钟的时间完成了美元兑人民币的兑换。

On the sunny weekend, the WanDa sub-branch of ICBC welcomed friends who come from various countries to our place to handle business in the second day after the opening Ceremony of the Military Sports Meeting. Soon after the door opened, my colleagues and I warmly welcomed two international athletes with employee badges to exchange RMB. We expertly instructed our clients to quickly handle the transaction on our foreign currency exchange machine and completed it just in two minutes.


After communicating with custo-

mers, I learned that two customers came from Jordan and represented Jordan in this military games. One of them was actually the head of the delegation. The head of the Jordanian delegation shook hands with each of us at the end, complimented us on our good service and said the chrys-

anthemum wolfberry tea we prepared was very good. We are also very lucky and honored to know these two international friends and provide them with financial services.

此后不久,我们又迎来了两位来自喀麦隆的顾客来办理兑换和存取业务,其中一位中文流利的运动员现在正在中国某军事学院深造。同行的是他许久未见的父亲,是本届军运会的喀麦隆代表团一员,也是一名跆拳道运动员,将参加本届军运会的跆拳道比赛。因为军运会,两代军人在中国相聚,自己非常开心和激动。我们也为千里迢迢在异国能相聚的父子而感动和高兴,真诚祝福他们。大家一起在工行门口握手合影,那一刻仿佛是一家人一样微笑并相互祝福。We are family!

Later, two clients from Cameroon arrived and wanted to exchange currency and withdraw some money. One of them is an athlete, who is studying in a Chinese military academy in Dalian and could speak Chinese fluently. Another is his father, who also belongs to Cameroon delegation and would represent Cameroon to take part in Taekwondo competition. Interestingly, they have been apart for long time, while because of the 7th CISM Military World Games, two soliders from different generations get together in Wuhan with happiness and excitation. We felt excited and glad for their reunion as well. Before they left, we took photo together in front of the gate of ICBC and wishes them well. At that moment, we were just like family.


Today we also got to know inter-

national friends from Thailand, Japan, South Korea, Ukraine and Russia etc. It is a great pleasure to meet so many friends and provide them with quality financial services.



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