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寮犲疂鐜?瀛?淇濈帀),涓浗鏂颁埂浜?1960 骞村嚭鐢?缁板彿:绗旈亰绁炴床,鏂嬪彿鐭虫ⅵ妤间富銆備經闂ㄥ紵瀛愬鐜?閬撴暀闂ㄥ紵寮犵悊瀹濄€傛瘯涓氫簬瑗垮畨缇庨櫌, 涓ぎ缇庨櫌娣遍€犮€?/p>

Zhang baoyu, zi (baoyu), born in xinxiang, China in 1960, nickname: biyou shenzhou, owner of stone dream building, zhai name. Buddhist disciple miaoyu, daojiao brother zhang libao. Graduated from xi an academy of fine arts, central academy of fine arts.

涓浗缇庢湳瀹跺崗浼氫細鍛?涓浗涔︽硶瀹跺崗浼氫細鍛?涓浗褰撲唬浜烘皯鑹烘湳瀹朵富甯?涓浗鏂伴暱鍩庢澃鍑鸿壓鏈銆佷腑鍥藉浗闄呮姤鍛婃枃瀛︾爺绌朵細 鍥藉鏂囧寲浼犳壙濮斿憳浼氬鍛樸€佷汉姘戞棩鎶ユ姤绀剧壒鑱樺搴ф暀鎺堛€佸ぇ鍨嬬邯褰曠墖銆婁功鐢诲弻缁?middot;闆呬織鍏辫祻銆嬨€佷汉姘戞棩鎶ヨ壓鏈濮斿憳浼氫細鍛樸€佷腑鍥藉綋浠d功鐢荤晫浼犳壙浠h〃浜虹墿銆佷腑鍥藉綋浠g櫨鏉颁竴绾х編鏈笀銆佷竴甯︿竴璺浗绀艰壓鏈澶у笀銆佷腑鍥藉綋浠f渶鍏蜂繚鍊肩殑鍚嶅鍚嶄綔銆佷腑鍥藉綋浠d功鐢诲悕瀹躲€佷腑鍥芥ⅵ涔︾敾鑹烘湳浼犳壙鍙戝睍鎺ㄥ姩鑰呫€佷腑鍥借壓鏈紨閫犺€呫€佷腑鍥戒功鐢诲浗闄呭舰璞″ぇ浣裤€佷腑鍥戒功鐢荤晫浼犲浜虹墿銆佷腑鍥戒功鐢荤晫鏂伴椈浜虹墿銆佷腑鍥戒功鐢荤晫棰嗗啗浜虹墿銆佷腑鍥戒功鐢荤晫鍏堥攱鏃楁墜銆佷腑鍥戒功鐢荤晫鏉板嚭鑹烘湳浜虹墿銆佷腑鍥戒功鐢荤晫宸ㄥ尃浠h〃浜虹墿銆併€婁笘鐣岃壓鏈吀鑼冦€嬪皝闈汉鐗┿€併€婅壓鏈己鍥姐€嬪皝闈汉鐗┿€併€婂奖鍝嶄笘鐣?鍗庝汉鐩涘吀銆嬪皝闈汉鐗┿€併€婂皝闈?middot;涓浗鏃朵唬椋庝簯浜虹墿銆嬨€佸浗瀹剧ぜ鐗逛緵鑹烘湳瀹舵枃鍖栬瘎瀹″鍛樹細濮斿憳銆佷腑鍥戒紒涓氭姤閬撶悊浜嬩細鍓富甯€佷腑鍥芥枃鑱旀枃鍖栭儴鎬婚【闂€佷腑鍥戒功鐢诲鐮旂┒闄㈢悊浜嬨€佷腑鍥戒紒涓氭枃鍖栦績杩涗細鑹烘湳瀹跺鍛樹細濮斿憳銆佷腑鍥借憲鍚嶄功娉曡壓鏈銆傚崕澶忓剴鍟嗙壒鑱樼悊浜嬩細鍓儴闀裤€傚浗鏋佸巻鍙叉枃鍖栧瓧鍒涜В鍒涘浜恒€備笘鐣岃壓鍧涘ぇ瀹楀笀銆?/p>

Member of China artists association, member of Chinese calligrapher s association, Chinese contemporary people s artist, chairman of the new Great Wall of China outstanding artists, international reportage research association, China - Chinese culture heritage committee, the People s Daily newspaper distinguished visiting professor, a large documentary double, perfect fit, painting and calligraphy , the People s Daily artists committee member, Chinese contemporary painting industry transfer, the representative of Chinese contemporary best jie first, area country gift master artist all the way, the most value of contemporary China, contemporary Chinese calligraphy and painting famous masterpieces by famous writers, dream of China painting and calligraphy art inheritance development facilitator, China art creators, Chinese painting and calligraphy International image ambassador, Chinese painting industry legend, Chinese painting industry news, Chinese painting industry leaders, Chinese painting industry pioneer standard-bearer, Chinese figure painting industry outstanding art, Chinese painting industry, the representative of the giants of the world art model cover, the power of art cover, the influence of the world. Chinese festival cover, cover China age person , ambassador li for artist culture review committee, vice chairman of the Chinese enterprise reporting council, director of China federation of ministry of culture, general counsel, China academy of art paintings, China council for the promotion of enterprise culture artists committee, China s famous book French artist. Huaxia Confucian businessman appointed vice minister of the council. Founder of guoji history and culture. The great master of world art.

2005 骞?9 鏈?寮犲ぇ甯堢嫭鍒涚殑浣滃搧琚腑鍥芥枃鍖栭儴楂樺害閲嶈,鐗硅瘎涓恒€婂紑澶╄緹鍦般€嬪厜鑽gО鍙峰苟鍑虹増鍙戣銆備腑鍥戒功鐢昏壓鏈紶缁?寮鸿皟涔︾敾鍚屾簮,浣嗘槸绌虹櫧涔︾敾涓€浣撱€備功鐢昏兘涓嶈兘鎴愪竴浣?濡傛灉娌℃湁鑹烘湳瀹跺紶瀹濈帀鐨勫崜 鍒?涔︾敾鎴愪竴 浣?涓嶅彲鑳姐€備絾鏄ぉ鎬у瘜鏈夊垱鏂版墠鏅虹殑寮犲疂 鐜?涓€琚 鑳?绔熺劧璁╀功鐢诲悓浣撴垚涓鸿壓鏈幇瀹炪€備綍璋撲功鐢讳竴浣?骞朵笉鏄祬鎰忔墍鐞嗚В鐨勭敾涓湁涔?涔︿腑鏈夌敾,鍦ㄥ紶瀹濈帀鐨勫垱鎰忎笅,涔︾敾涓€浣撳嵆鐢绘槸涔︺€佷功鏄敾鐨勫阀濡欒瀺鍚堛€?/p>

In September 2005, master zhang s original work was highly valued by the ministry of culture of China, and was awarded the honorable title of epoch-making and published. Chinese calligraphy and painting art tradition, emphasizing the same origin of calligraphy and painting, but blank calligraphy and painting as a whole. Can painting and calligraphy be integrated? Without the artist zhang baoyu zhuo chuang, painting and calligraphy into a body, it is impossible. But the zhang baoyu that nature is full of innovation wisdom, one attack is strange can, let calligraphy and painting become artistic reality actually. What is painting and calligraphy? Is not the shallow meaning of the understanding of the painting there is a book, the book has a painting, in zhang baoyu s creativity, painting is the book, the book is the clever integration of painting.


One generation of ancestors left the treasure in the book for future generations, providing the world with a cultural heritage that is better than gold. The monument testifies to the creation of heaven and earth, leaving behind a humanistic picture of the years of creation in the world, enabling the world to share wisdom and develop widely and realize the Chinese dream and cultural dream all over the world.


In order to promote the traditional cultural virtues of the Chinese nation, zhengde, raising... To let the next generation realize the importance of culture, I drew a picture of each character according to the meaning of creating characters created by the ancestors 5,000 years ago, and wrote an annotated article below. The leading idea is to educate and induce the next generation to pay attention to the importance of each character, learn cultural characters well, and end my 57 years of sour, sweet, bitter and spicy years. Zhang baoyu wen, also known as respect to the east.

寮犲疂鐜夋妸褰┿€佸ⅷ銆佹枃銆佸浘銆佸嵃銆佹剰閫氳瀺涓€璧?涓€骞呬綔鍝佸啓閫忎紶缁熸枃鍖栬澧? 涓€浣撲箣鍔?鍙О鐩栦笘銆傚紶瀹濈帀鎵€鍒涙枃鍖栦竴浣撶殑濂囨湳,鍙皳娉辨潮鍗冨勾蹇界幇鎵嶄繆鐨勮壓鏈ぇ鎴愩€?/p>

Zhang baoyu put color, ink, text, picture, seal, Italy together, a work to write through the traditional culture of the environment, one of the power, can be called peerless. Zhang baoyu created a cultural integration of the art, it may be said that the great millennium suddenly talent of art.

涔︾敾涓€浣撴槸濂囨墠,绮惧績閰胯壓寰楃湡鍔熴€傚紶瀹濈帀鐨勮壓鏈牴鍩烘繁鎵庝簬浼犵粺, 鍊熼壌浜庢皯闂?鎴愬姛浜庢櫤鎱?浠栫敤鐙埌鐨勮壓鏈墜娉?涓鸿壓鏈坊褰╃尞濂?鎴愪负鑹烘湳婧愭祦鎷撳睍鐨勫厛閿嬫棗鎵?鍔熺哗宸叉樉銆?/p>

Calligraphy and painting is a prodigy, carefully stuffed art got true. Zhang baoyu s artistic foundation is deeply rooted in the tradition, drawing lessons from the folk, success in wisdom, he used unique artistic techniques, for the art to add color and surprise, as a pioneer in the expansion of the source of art, his achievements have been obvious.

姘村ⅷ涓归潚鏂囧寲浼犲獟鑹烘湳鎬荤洃 钁楀悕涔︾敾璇勮瀹?缃楁垚

-- luo cheng, art director of ink painting and calligraphy, danqing culture and media


In the study of Beijing central academy of fine arts, took time out to carry bag sketching, went to the Great Wall countless times sketching, see MAO zedong s suggestion: not to the Great Wall is not a true man. In my heart blood boiling newspaper definite thought must use two words, the Great Wall of our Chinese nation expression. I rest day and night eat not sweet, I turn over innovation after eight years finally created a take off fine. This represents the Great Wall of our Chinese nation, the aspirations of the people, the pride of the country, is the quintessence of the Chinese nation and national treasure. I finally created a successful, in the bitter blister big I in the sour, sweet, bitter and spicy years finally on the ideal road. Guoji history and culture word creation founder zhang baoyu tears bubble big crystal.


Sweet, sour, bitter and spicy years, every step has a rich taste of the feelings, the creation of each piece of work successfully born, will let the world feel a wonderful feeling, leaving the world a permanent aftertaste and happy memories.


Zhang baoyu self-statement

鍦ㄧ敾妗堟梺闂叉殗涔嬫椂,鎬绘槸鎯冲埌鎴戞槸鍙楁瘝浜插埡缁g殑鐔忛櫠,閫夊畾浜虹敓鍧愭爣銆傛浘璁扮殑绔ュ勾鏃跺父鍥寸潃姣嶄翰,鐬уス鍦ㄤ笓蹇冪殑骞插埡缁f椿,杩橀棶闀块棶鐭?ldquo;濞?浣犵鍟ュ憖 ,姣嶄翰灏辨煍澹版煍姘旂殑瀵规垜璇?: 杩欑唬鐨勬槸姊呰姳 ,鍠滈箠 ,绔瑰瓙 ,鐗′腹 銆傝繖鏃舵垜鑴卞彛璇?ldquo;鎴戣瀛︿細鐢昏繖浜涜澶氬ソ鍝囥€?rdquo;浠庢鍦ㄦ垜鐨勫績鐩腑瑕佺珛蹇楃敓鎴愬鐢荤殑鎰挎湜,骞跺喅蹇冧竴瀹氳鍔熸垚鍚嶅氨,瀹炵幇鎴戠瑪娓哥宸炵殑姊︽兂銆傚眻鎸囧洖棣?1972 骞寸敾鍑虹殑涓爞,鍥涙墖灞?濂跺ザ鍜屽涓€鐪嬪氨澶告垜鏈夊ぉ鎵嶃€備粠姝ゅ湪榧撳姳鐨勭瑧澹颁腑,鎴戠殑淇″績鏇磋冻浜?鎵€浠ュ湪 1975 骞村氨涓婅璧朵細澶村睍鍗栥€?/p>

When the leisure beside painting case, always think of me is the edification that suffers mother embroidery, choose life coordinate. Once remember of childhood often surround a mother, see her to be in attentively of stem embroidery work, still ask long and short niang, you show what ah , mother soft voice soft gas say to me: what this embroider is plum blossom... , the magpies... , bamboo... , the peony... . Then I blurted out, I wish I could learn to draw these. From then on in my mind to make up my mind to study painting, and determined to become famous, to achieve my dream of visiting China. When I looked back at the central scroll and the four screens drawn in 1972, my grandmother and mother praised me for my talent. From then on, I was more confident in the laughter of encouragement, so I went to the street in 1975 to attend the first exhibition.

鍒颁簡鍒濅腑,鑰佸笀瀹夋帓鎴戝仛鏉挎姤璁捐,鐠ф姤鑵惧啓,涓存瘯涓氭椂璧犻€佽€佸笀鐨勪綔鍝佹湁 銆婅嵎濉樻儏瓒c€嬨€婂湪鎵撻害鍦轰笂銆嬬瓑浜虹墿銆佸北姘寸敾,鎴戝彉娣辨劅鑰佸笀瀵规垜鐨勯紦鍔变笌鎸囩偣涔嬫仼銆?/p>

When I was in junior high school, my teacher arranged me to design blackboard newspapers and write them. When I graduated, I was presented with works of characters and landscape paintings such as the taste of the lotus pond and on the wheat field . I became deeply impressed by my teacher s encouragement and guidance.

涓婇珮涓椂鏈?1976 骞?鏂囧寲澶ч潻鍛藉拰瀛︽瘺钁楃殑鐑疆涓? 鍦ㄨ€佸笀鎸囨尌涓嬬敾浜嗕笉灏戞极鐢?鍚庢潵鍙堣鎴戠敾浜嗛浄閿嬪儚寮犺创鍒板悇涓彮绾ч噷,璧板嚭鏍¢棬姝ュ叆绀句細灏辫繘鍏ョ挧鐢诲巶,涓€涓汉灏辨槸鍑犲勾,姘村钩涔熷緱鍒颁簡鏄庢樉鐨勬彁楂樸€?/p>

In the high school period (1976) the cultural revolution and the upsurge of MAO writing, I drew a lot of cartoons under the guidance of the teacher, and later let me draw lei feng s statue posted to each class, out of school into the society into the wall painting factory, a person is a few years, the level has been significantly improved.


The road is bumpy, experience is tortuous, life is difficult, but there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome, must do a line, fine line. Was forced by conditions in short, the struggle in the difficult environment, blazed a path in life, in order to carry forward the national culture, in the recruit cut will indeed BaoZhan the effort and sweat, and deeply to eat in order to survive, in order to fulfill my young dream, learn painting skills, bears hardships and stands hard work, I forget all about eating and sleeping, not the Lord, on your own open put up big in difficulties, has vowed to endure all thehumiliation and difficulties, in front of all the action of the giant, more high-quality goods in the creation of the chain, repay society. Again, I would like to thank my charitable and skillful mother, and also thank teacher li yunke for his sincere help to me, and sincerely thank all the warm-hearted people who have helped me.

骞虫贰澶╃湡鍐? 娴呴檷 璁拌憲鍚嶄功鐢诲寮犲疂鐜?/p>

Plain and innocent write shallow health -- record zhang baoyu of famous calligrapher and painter


The text/NieZhen


When I carefully read the works of the famous painter zhang baoyu, I felt a sense of respect. I benefited a lot and gained a lot. At this point Mr. Zhang baoyu painting and calligraphy album into the heart of the moment, I would like to express warm congratulations. The elephant is invisible and has a small voice. No matter what a person does, he will eventually leave something in history. Mr. Zhang baoyu has been engaged in painting and calligraphy research for a long time, preferring public welfare undertakings and leaving many commendable contributions on the road of life in the art of painting and calligraphy.

2008 寮犲疂鐜夊厛鐢熷湪绗洓灞婇噾榧庡鍏ㄥ浗涔︽硶缇庢湳澶у睍涓幏寰楅噾濂栬瑾変负涓浗缇庢湳鐧炬澃鑽h獕绉板彿 鍏ョ紪銆婂叏鍥界編鏈綔鍝侀泦銆嬨€?/p>

In 2008, Mr. Zhang baoyu won the gold medal in the fourth golden ding award national calligraphy art exhibition and was honored as the best of Chinese fine arts.

2008 骞村紶瀹濈帀鍏堢敓鐨勮壓鏈綔鍝佸拰鑹烘湳绠€鍘嗚杞藉叆涓浗涔︾敾鐮旂┒闄富缂栫殑涓浗涔︾敾瀹跺ぇ璧涗竴涔︾壒鐗规巿浜?ldquo;涔︽硶鐧炬澃 鑽h獕绉板彿銆?/p>

In 2008, Mr. Zhang baoyu s works of art and art resume were included in the book of Chinese calligraphy and painter competition edited by China academy of painting and calligraphy.

杩欏氨鏄渶濂界殑鑲畾銆傚紶瀹濈帀鍏堢敓鐢ㄥ洓鍗佷綑骞寸殑鍕ゅ 鐢ㄤ笉鍚岀殑鎵嬫硶涓庡垱浣滆础鐚功鍐欎簡鑷繁鐨勪功鐢昏壓鏈汉鐢?鍦ㄥ浗鍐呭涔︾敾鐣屽拰鍥藉唴澶栬壓鏈晫浜湁鑽h獕,涓嶆劎涓鸿祫娣辨笂鍗氱殑,璋﹀拰閫犺楂樻繁鐨勪功鐢诲ぇ瀹?鏇捐鍥藉唴澶?20 澶氬缁勭粐鑱樹负楂樼骇椤鹃棶, 鍚嶈獕闄㈤暱,浣滃搧琚捣鍐呭澶氫綅鍙嬪ソ浜哄+鏀惰棌銆?/p>

This is the best affirmation. Mr Bao-yu zhang with more than 40 years of hard work with different and creative contribution to the writing technique of his calligraphy and painting art life, painting industry both at home and abroad and art enjoys the honor both at home and abroad, senior profound, worthy gentleman attainments advanced calligraphy and painting, has been employed as a senior consultant at home and abroad more than 20 groups, honorary President, works collected by many friendly people at home and abroad.

寮犲疂鐜夊厛鐢?瀹堕噷鍥涘寮犳寕鐫€涓嶅悓鏃舵湡 涓嶅悓椋庢牸鐨勪綔鍝佸瓧鐢?濡傚叾浜?浠庡叾浣滃搧灞曠ず鍑轰粬鍋ュ悍鐨勪汉鏍煎拰鑹烘湳榄呭姏,浠庝粬鐙壒鑰屼笉鍚岀殑绗旀硶鍜屼粠瀹逛笉杩殑椋庡害涓睍绀哄ぇ瀹剁殑椋庤寖,鏄竴浣嶇綍瑙佺殑濂囨墠,姝e寮犲疂鐜夊厛鐢熸墍璇?涔︾敾鏄簲闊崇殑璇█,鍏朵功鐢荤敓娑氨鏄渶濂界殑璇犻噴)銆?/p>

Bao-yu zhang Sir, at home in the walls, hanging in different periods of different style works of calligraphy and painting, as a person, from his works show a healthy personality and artistic charm, from his unique and different brushwork and show everyone demeanor in the leisurely manner, is a rare talent, as Mr Bao-yu zhang said (painting and calligraphy is the language of the tune, the calligraphy and painting career is the best interpretation).


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